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- {{suggestions.ScopedQuery}} in {{scope}}
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Our systems conform to current PCI (Payment Card Industry) legislation regarding the protection of cardholders data and personal information. If you have any concerns that Rapid is putting your privacy and security at risk, please contact us.
The only websites on which Rapid Electronics offer products for sale are, the Rapid ebay shop and the Rapid Amazon store and the Rapid Onbuy store. No other website or forum is authorised to sell products in the name of Rapid Electronics. If you see our company name, address or details used in third party websites, online forums or blogs, claiming to offer goods in exchange for payment, it is very likely that the site in question is engaging in fraudulent activity. Do not under any circumstances enter into a financial transaction with any such seller.
If you encounter such a website, we would be very grateful if you could report it to us immediately, in order that we can inform UK Trading Standards.
When registering for the first time or changing your log-in details, please try to make your password as secure and unique as possible. The minimum requirement of passwords on our site is that they must consist of a minimum of 8 characters and contain at least one number and one letter. It is advisable to have a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols (such as ! and *).
Try to make the password different to your name, pets name or anything that can be associated to you to avoid someone guessing what it could be. You should never tell anyone your password or write it down.
Creating different passwords for different accounts also minimises the risk of someone being able to access your accounts and personal information. When using a public computer or a shared access computer always logout of any online accounts.
Your web account allows you to view all of your transaction history at any time and it is advisable to regularly check your bank statements when purchasing products online. Under EU legislation, your credit/debit card company should refund you if your card is used fraudulently.
Rapid will never ask you for the pin number of your debit/credit card or the full CVV number on the back. Never disclose this information to anybody even if they claim to be from your bank or the police.
When buying from the transaction is always secure. The secure section of any website will have a web address that begins with https:// and a small padlock should appear at the bottom of your internet browser.