Felt Nail Galvanised 13mm Bag Weight 250g

<p>These Forgefix Felt Nails have a large head, which distributes the load directly underneath the top of the nail, ensuring that roofing felt stays firm and secure. This reduces the risk of tearing.</p> <p>The nails are galvanised for increased resistance to corrosion.<br />Suitable for roofing of all types.</p> <p>APPLICATION:<br />Specifically used when roofing felt is being fitted to either shed or similar types of roofs.</p> <p>Galvanisation is process of applying a protective zinc coating to steel in order to prevent rusting. Zinc coatings prevent corrosion of the protected metal by forming a physical barrier, and by acting as a sacrificial anode even if this barrier is damaged.</p><p>Felt Nail Galvanised 13mm Bag Weight 250g</p>
Description Image Product MPN Pricing (Ex VAT) Buy Qty Type
ForgeFix 250NLF13GB Felt Nail Galvanised 13mm Bag Weight 250g
ForgeFix 250NLF13GB Felt Nail Galvanised 13mm Bag Weight 250g
Standard range
1+ £2.19

20 in Stock, despatched in 2 days
ForgeFix 250NLF20GB Felt Nail Galvanised 20mm Bag Weight 250g
ForgeFix 250NLF20GB Felt Nail Galvanised 20mm Bag Weight 250g
Standard range
1+ £2.19

20 in Stock, despatched in 2 days
