Feetech FS90R Analog Micro Servo Continuous Rotation

<p>The <b>FS90R</b> is an analog micro servo that is capable of continuous rotation clockwise or anti-clockwise, as opposed to moving to a set position. The servo is ideal for the beginning roboticist and is perfect for use with the Motor Shield for <b>Arduino</b>. The servo can be controlled using any servo code, hardware or library and to control with an Arduino, just connect the orange control wire to pin 9 or 10 and use the Servo library included with the Arduino IDE.<br/><br/> Also available is a wheel (<b>37-1338</b>) that can be attached directly to the servo. The servo and wheel are also available as a package (<b>37-1336</b>).</p>
  • Good for making simple moving robots
  • Small dimensions means servo can fit in confined spaces
  • Lightweight
  • Operating voltage 4.8 to 6V
  • A 3-pin 10cm cable is available for connecting servos (37-1337)
Description Image Product MPN Pricing (Ex VAT) Buy Qty Bearings Brushless Control Operating Speed Operating Torque Operating Voltage Weight
Feetech FS90R 360° Continuous Rotation Micro Servo
Feetech FS90R 360° Continuous Rotation Micro Servo
Standard range
1+ £3.41

1,035 in stock, despatched same dayAdditional quantity lead time 5 weeks
None N/A Analogue 110sec/60° N/A 4.8 to 6V 9g
Feetech FS90R Servo and Wheel
Feetech FS90R Servo and Wheel
Standard range
1+ £4.00

95 in stock, despatched same dayAdditional quantity lead time 5 weeks
None N/A Analogue 110sec/60° N/A 4.8 to 6V 9g
Dimensions23.2 x 12.5 x 22mm
Operating speed110 rpm @ 4.8V, 130 rpm @ 6V
Stall torque1.3kg.cm @ 4.8V, 1.5kg.cm @ 6V
Operating voltage4.8 to 6V
Operating angleContinuous rotation
Required pulse900 to 2100µs
Connector wire length20cm
